Does parenting come with a manual? Wish it did!!!
Getting a four-year-old dressed up to go to school on the first day of kindergarten class is a mammoth task, however, well-read and prepared parents may be.
Cyber security awareness for children

More than any other generation, today’s youngsters have the handiest access to the internet and gadgets. Their phones, TVs, gaming consoles, and everything else have internet connectivity. Kids being online more than ever, must understand how to work around it securely. Children should learn basic techniques to prepare for a lifetime of cyber security.
Tips for Choosing Summer Camps for Kids

Oh to be a child again!! How exciting to await summer holidays, a full two months, sometimes a little longer too! Some traditions never change, they only evolve, get better, and may even be cyclic in their nature of reviving forgotten camp ideas. With nuclear families and parents holding high-profile roles and job profiles, engaging […]
How to expand your child’s vocabulary?

Curious to see your child progress in the acquisition of linguistic skills? What can you, as an adult parent or guardian do to nurture this flair for the language, both mother tongue and English? Read on to feel good about everything already under your kitty as practice, while picking up a few new ideas after […]
How to retain curiosity in your child?

Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning. – William Arthur Ward The evolving times and the ocean of knowledge and exposure it brings along, pose immense challenges to new parents. With an information excess available to the young child, a great sense of curiosity is triggered. If this curiosity is not encouraged and […]
The Thrilling Story of Rakta Beej

The fiercest and most destructive manifestation of Shakti is thought to be Goddess Kali. She had four arms, a dark skin, and crimson eyes. She has a sword (khadaga) in one hand and a demon’s head that has been severed off in the other. The other two hands are holding up a benediction for Her […]
5 effective ways to deal with your children lying

Lying is not uncommon amongst small children. In fact, I think we can agree that it is more frequent in adults! Children lie for a variety of reasons; to gain attention, to make their stories sound more interesting, to get a particular reaction from adults or even to cover up a mistake. Generally, children after […]
Questions for your Toddlers!

NHVM to the rescue of every parent that’s been scratching their head when the little ones bombard you with questions! Today the tables are turned. We’re going to give you and your child a well-deserved break from the screen and allow you to join in banter. But this banter will be entertaining because it includes […]
6 Effective Ways to Discipline Children, preschools in Bangalore

Discipline can be taken as a negative word, but we must move past the pseudo definition to understand what it truly means. Disciplining your child is simply working on their manners, obeying rules, teaching them how to respect every individual equally and most importantly guiding them to understand what is right from wrong. Disciplining does […]
Authoritative vs Authoritarian Parenting

When your child refuses to drink milk what do you do? Do you order them to drink it and not move unless they do or do you ask if they would want to choose their own cup for the milk? When your child refuses to eat, do you command them to finish what is on […]